Personal Bio
a dashing young man

I am currently at SurveyMonkey as a Software Engineer on the survey responses platform team. I play a crucial role in building out our next-generation cloud architecture to persist survey responses at scale. I have worked with several teams in cross-functional projects to add a new question type and migrate our services to the cloud.

Prior to SurveyMonkey, I worked for around two and a half years at 23andMe on their Research Experience Team. Our team maintained and added new features to our survey research and studies platform. During my tenure there, I built out different user targeting features and question types for our studies. I built a system to collect user treatment data for various conditions, such as migraines and depression. And I owned and updated our research enrollment app that screened participants for specific studies with our partners such as GSK and MJF Foundation.

I also worked at a couple of startups and started my software career in that environment. I was a Full Stack Developer at Thryve, a microbiome bioinformatics startup that brings smart-probiotics to our users. My experience included front end projects with React.js, jQuery, d3, Sass/CSS, and Bootstrap. In addition, I built out our bioinformatics pipeline on AWS EC2 and S3 for generating taxonomies and abundance profiles from raw sequence data using Python with the Kraken and Qiime libraries. I've also done extensive work on our backend database and resource management, as well as setting up a separate payments server in node.js using the Stripe service for handling payment logic and data. Further, I worked as a Software Engineer at another startup called AirXSys that sought to bring smart-parking via computer vision and deep learning to individual users.

berkeley campus memorial glade

Before software, I worked for three years in the semiconductor industry as an etch Process Engineer at Applied Materials and supported 3D NAND, FinFET, and DRAM applications for Samsung, TSMC, Toshiba, and Micron.

My Alma Mater is the University of California, Berkeley, where I graduated with a BS in Chemical Engineering. It was at Cal that I grew my passion for science and engineering as well as learned the value of hard work and smart planning. My education also includes an MS in Computer Science from San Jose State University with a focus in object detection with deep learning. My master's project is a convolutional neural network that detects cars in a parking lot.

Outside of software, I like to play guitar, cook, explore the outdoors, play sports, work on my cars, or spend time with friends and family.